Home How to Change the PHP Version in Laradock

How to Change the PHP Version in Laradock

This tutorial get from Cyril de Wit Blog.

I’ve recently switched to Laradock as my primary local development setup for Laravel. It’s a full PHP development environment based on Docker. It took me a few days to properly set it up and learn the basics of Docker. Laradock comes with big a list of premade images you can use.

I previously used Laravel Homestead, an official, a pre-packaged Vagrant box that provides something similar. To run this box I had to install VirtualBox. This setup works totally fine and is very reliable, but I wanted to switch to a more general solution. I do still use it on my Laptop.

Changing the PHP version was one of the customizations I had to make. Laradock made this really easy.

Step 1

Find the .env file in your Laradock directory.

Step 2

Search for the PHP_VERSION variable and update the version to the preferred one.

Step 3

Rebuild the php-fpm and workspace by running:

docker-compose build php-fpm
docker-compose build workspace

Step 4

Before these changes are taken into account you will have to recreate the Laradock container.

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadmin redis workspace

Step 5

If you want to determine if these actions have changed the PHP version, you will have to do the following things:

1 - View a PHP file with echo phpinfo() through your webserver and check the version.

2 - Run php -v on your server by opening bash via docker-compose exec workspace bash

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